
It's weird, I had some previously set obligations I had to attend to today so I had to miss school. Back in high school this would be a good thing but ever since I started at UMD every time I miss class, i feel ridiculously guilty about it. It's not that missing a few classes is going to cause me to get bad grades or get me in trouble, because we have a pretty cool environment at shady grove where we can all ask eachother for notes or homework assignments. It's just the emotional responsibility i think. It's like going to class everyday becomes a part of who you are, so when you don't go you're cheating on yourself... let alone alll the money and sacrifices we make to sign up for these classes :))

This notion is something I find pretty scary actually, because I  always wonder what's going to happen once we get out of school, after we graduate I mean. Unless I find a 9-5 job right a way, I might be in such a weird mood or feel really empty.

But then again, there is nothing more beautiful than having a burrito, and then come home and snuggle with the blanket and fall asleep watching tv on the couch... I love being lazy!!!! :)) But I can't afford it most of the time :))
hope everyone had fun in class today:)

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